Last 16 and 17 of November, B-BRIGHTER members met in Frankfurt for the 12M project meeting at GUF premisses. They took the opportunity to see, first hand, the 3D bioprinter prototype.

GUF hosted the 12M B-BRIGHTER meeting, and researchers could discuss about the last advances of the project and define the future steps. On the first day took place the progress meeting, where the coordinator of each one of the 6 work packages presented their results to monitor the evolution of the project. Moreover, a closed discussion with the project officer and some invited experts took place, to improve the project and foster its outcomes. This discussion was highly productive as the project coordinator, Gustaf Mårtensson, outlined the goals, the product, the development program, and the current status of the project. He emphasized the achievements made during this first year and highlighted the plans for the next months.

Taking advantage of the meeting’s location in Frankfurt, a hands-on activity was scheduled so that researchers could get a close look at the 3D bioprinter prototype and do some small experiments to see it in use.
It was a very fruitful meeting!