oct. 24
European researchers’ night: Marcel Sorribas takes part in a roundtable on animal testing

As every year, the European Researchers' Night takes place in the last week of September, and once again the B-BRIGHTER project was present. This year, Marcel Sorribas took part in a round table on the use of animals in research. In addition, an infographic explaining the project is available on the Catalan website of the event.
jul. 24
Mimicking human skin constructs using norbornene-pullulan-based hydrogels

The demand for engineered skin tissues has surged for both in vitro and in vivo applications, and one of the key points to succeed is to choose an appropriate scaffold material. In this scenario, B-Brighter researchers at IBEC has just published a work describing a new bioink designed for engineering human skin constructs using norbornene-pullulan-based hydrogels.
jul. 24
Núria Torras and Marcel Sorribas host a student in the frame of a professional observation internship

Inés Roucou, a 16-year-old student, could benefit from a 2-week stay at the Laboratory of Biomimetic Systems for Cell Engineering at IBEC in Barcelona. She learned about bioengineering and topics related to B-BRIGHTER project, guided by the researchers Núria and Marcel.
juny 24
B-BRIGHTER at the 1st International Conference of the Würzburg Initiative 3R (WI3R)

The Würzburg Initiative 3R celebrated its first International Conference to provide a broad communication platform to enable exchange about “3R” among researchers from the diverse sectors related with animal experimentation. It represented an effort to improve the welfare of animals in research, and Brigitte Angres and Louise Breideband were there to talk about the 3D bioprinting technology from B-BRIGHTER.
maig 24
Great presence of B-BRIGHTER at the third EMBL-IBEC conference

B-BRIGHTER project was present at the third edition of the EMBL-IBEC conference in Barcelona through the participation of Levin Hafa and Louise Breideband from GUF. This event, organized by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), has it focus on emerging and advanced therapies.
abr. 24
Can we repair a broken heart? Marcel Sorribas takes part in an outreach activity for senior people

In the frame of IMAB, an outreach project developed at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in Barcelona, Marcel Sorribas brought B-BRIGHTER project closer to over-65s.
abr. 24
Another B-BRIGHTER project meeting: this time in sunny Barcelona!

The 18M project meeting was held in Barcelona on 11 and 12 April, and researchers took the occasion to visit the premises of the Biomimetic Systems for Cell Engineering led by Elena Martínez at IBEC.
març 24
Núria Torras and Marcel Sorribas bring B-BRIGHTER closer to students of secondary education

Students at the Secondary School Angeleta Ferrer in Barcelona had the occasion to know the B-BRIGHTER project and learn about 3D bioprinting and in vitro models.
febr. 24
Louise Breideband takes part in the EIC T2M – Innovation Discovery Training

The 6th edition of the EIC T2M – Innovation Discovery Training took place last week and Louise Breideband from GUF took the opportunity to improve her entrepreneurship skills and to learn from a science entrepreneur.
febr. 24
One more year B-BRIGHTER participates in the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

B-BRIGHTER reiterates its commitment to gender equality in science and once again joins in the 11F activities. This year, Núria Torras from IBEC participated in an online talk.