Last 19-21 of April B-BRIGHTER members meet together at Tübingen for the 6M internal and progress meetings and a visit to the new facilities of CELLENDES.

The hotel Krone in Tübingen hosted for two days B-BRIGHTER project. On the 20th and the morning of the 21st of April, researchers met for an internal monitoring of the work done during the first six months of the project, and to discuss the following steps until the end of the year. All workpackages were presented by their coordinators and researchers could evaluate the advances until know and propose strategies and ideas to surpass obstacles.
During the afternoon of the last day, took place the progress meeting, among project members and the EIC Project Advisor and Program Manager. This was a very fruitful discussion where the project coordinator, Gustaf Mårtensson, presented the goals, the product, the development program, and the current status of the project. He highlighted the achievements during this initial phase and stressed out what is planned for the next six months.

Taking advantage of the fact that the meeting was being held in Tübingen, a visit to CELLENDES was scheduled. Researchers from B-BRIGHTER project went to the new CELLENDES facilities, in a new technological pole in the city. Helmut Wurst and Brigitte Angres explained all the space adaptations to transform in a laboratory and showed the offices and different rooms.