The 18M project meeting was held in Barcelona on 11 and 12 April, and researchers took the occasion to visit the premises of the Biomimetic Systems for Cell Engineering led by Elena Martínez at IBEC.

Last Thursday and Friday B-BRIGHTER researchers came together at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in Barcelona for another project meeting: this time 18M. They spent 2 days of very fruitful discussions to monitor the project’s evolution and define the next steps to improve the 3D bioprinter device and bring it closer to the market.
On the first day, Gustaf Mårtensson as coordinator, and Elena Martínez as host in Barcelona, opened the floor giving a brief overview of the structure of the meeting and the project’s current status. The meeting included talks from the coordinators of all 6 work packages, who exposed the advances of the ongoing work, and discussed how to solve some small technical issues. All partners highlighted the achievements made during the last 6 months from the last meeting, and defined the roadmap for the next months, focusing on bringing the commercialization of the 3D bioprinter device.

On Friday, researchers had a long and productive session to discuss use cases, and to determine the best strategy to continue developing the B-BRIGHTER device and bring it closer to the market. After that, they had the occasion to visit the Biomimetic Systems for Cell Engineering led by Elena Martínez at IBEC and see, firsthand, how the team from Barcelona develop reliable protocols for the use of the light-based bioprinter to print tissue-like constructs.
And of course, as it could not be otherwise, researchers also spent some very pleasant leisure moments!