Gustaf Mårtensson from MYCRONIC, coordinator of B-BRIGHTER project, was invited to give a talk at the last Optopub, organised by PhotonicSweden and the Swedish Optical Society.

Optopubs are seminars designed to stimulate the discussion about new technologies, socialize and have an exchange between players with different backgrounds in fields related with photonics and optics, promoting new collaborations and opportunities among companies, universities, and institutes in the field of optics and photonics in Sweden and abroad. These seminars are organised by PhotonicSweden and the Swedish Optical Society and take place in three Swedish cities: Stockholm, Lund and Gothenburg.
Gustaf Mårtensson, coordinator of B-BRIGHTER, was invited to talk about the project on the first Optopubs seminars of the year, held last 16th of February at the company Cobolt AB, a part of HÜBNER Photonics and under the title: “High Performance Lasers Enabling Innovative Life Science Applications”. In this context, Gustaf explained the details of the European Project B-BRIGHTER focusing on the contribution of MYCRONIC in the system design for pattern generators as well as for pattern generator optics, servo, data channel and system control software in the development of the innovative 3D bioprinter based on light-sheet technology.
The other two talks were “Real-time single-molecule 3D tracking in E. coli”, by Elias Amselem from Uppsala University, and “Transient state (TRAST) spectroscopy and imaging of cellular and molecular states and conditions – exploiting the sensing side of fluorophore blinking kinetics” by Jerker Widengren from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. To close the event, Håkan Karlsson, CEO of Cobolt AB and Head of HÜBNER Photonics, presented the company.
Participating in this kind of events helps increasing the awareness among the general public and politicians of the strategic importance of optics and photonics in many fields, as in the case of B-BRIGHTER, in biomedicine. It is also a great opportunity to spread the word about B-BRIGHTER and sow seeds for collaborations with companies and research groups working in related areas.