For two years, Gustaf Mårtensson, coordinator of B-BRIGHTER project at MYCRONIC, will spend part of his time working at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm studying bioprinting applications and technology development.

The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning, SSF) recently published the list with the nine projects that will be granted in the last call of the Strategic Mobility Program, and B-BRIGHTER is one of them! Under the title ‘Novel light-based bioprinting strategies’, the project will receive about 90K euros for two years to allow Gustaf from MYCRONIC to work in close collaboration with researchers at SciLifeLab at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH (school of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health). The main objective is to identify and better understand use cases for B-BRIGHTER bioprinter.
The SSF is an autonomous and unaffiliated entity in the public research funding system which economically supports research in the fields of science, technology, and medicine. Its mission is to foster the growth of robust research ecosystems that attain the highest global standards, supporting the development of the Swedish industrial and academic and fostering its competitiveness. In this context, the Strategic Mobility Program increases knowledge transfer and cross-fertilization between sectors and also gives researchers the opportunity to develop by changing workplace from academia/research institute to business/authority/hospital, or vice versa.